Tidbit is a modular oracle library that enables developers to compose decentralized oracles. We believe oracles are one of the largest under-addressed needs for decentralized applications. Our hope is that Tidbit will encourage collaboration and experimentation around building oracles, bringing a broad range of blockchain applications closer to reality.
A library with modular contracts for Token Curated Registries. Allows developers to more easily mix and match features and challenge mechanisms.
Token Curated Registry implementation that utilizes futarchy prediction markets to determine the outcome of listing challenges.
OpenZeppelin is the most widely used smart contract framework boasting over 10,000 weekly downloads. We integrated with the OpenZeppelin team to turn around a comprehensive audit report on a very tight deadline.
A final report is delivered that is ready to be published at your discretion.
The Level K auditors work with your team through each recommendation in an initial report.
The smart contract code is handed over to the Level K auditing team for review.
Each contract is reviewed by multiple auditors with redundant techniques and tools.
The smart contract code is handed over to the Level K auditing team for review.
Each contract is reviewed by multiple auditors with redundant techniques and tools.
The Level K auditors works with your team through each recommendation in an initial report.
final report is delivered that is ready to be published at your discretion.
Level K specializes in Ethereum development using Solidity. We help teams design and build anything from a simple Dapp to a complex DAO.
At Level K, we made it our mission to help grow the Ethereum ecosystem through development and auditing. We have been successfully doing this for over two years now and the results have been astounding.On the development side we have advanced the curation market space with our TCR community call and registry builder library, created Tidbit, a library for oracles, are currently working on an Oracle Manger app for the Aragon platform, and are also working towards a futarchy launch on mainnet.
Futarchy has the potential to be an effective means of making objective governance decisions. It leverages markets to predict how decisions will impact metrics deemed valuable by a community. In the words of the concept’s progenitor, “Democracy would continue to say what we want, but betting markets would now say how to get it.” To better understand futarchy and to fully appreciate this article, see the full original post.